We Are Your Professional Sales Academy

In partnership with the Institute of Sales Professionals, we deliver sales education and training programmes aligned to professional competencies, leading to professional accreditation and qualifications for those who have a career in sales.

Why Are We Different?

We recognise sales as a performance activity.

Sales is a performance activity, so improvements won't come from knowledge alone. Sales professionals need to be supported in making the, sometimes difficult, changes in behaviour and habits that will make a real difference to their results. This won't happen overnight, and it won't happen just because they attend a few days of training - no matter how good it was.
The topics we cover include the real enablers such as commercial acumen, critical thinking, emotional intelligence and resilience, and above all the ability to develop habits and discipline.

Studies show 90% of traditional sales training is lost within a month, and much of it never gets applied at all.

However, it has also been proven that if you:
  • Give time to apply new ideas

  • Follow up with skilful coaching

  • Support with regular workplace practice

  • Reward with career progressing accreditations

Results increase, behaviours and habits dramatically improve and 80-90% of new skills get embedded. This means ...

With the PSA you will never have to waste time or money on sales training again

How Does It Work?

How Our Programmes Bring About Lasting Change.

Our programmes are built using the science of behavioural change and high standards of education. We use blended learning, delivered in bite sized sessions over several months (not crammed into days) to make sure skills get embedded into daily practice. Your learning is supported with individual and group coaching and practical coursework. The practice exercises and reflection involved means sure you see significant improvement in behaviour and performance. This means we price our programmes by person rather than by day, so we can give everyone the help they need. It also means smaller businesses or individuals can more easily receive this accredited learning. All our courses result in an ISP endorsed accreditation or OFQUAL sales qualification.


  • Isn't 'months of learning' too much additional work for a sales person with live targets?

    Don't worry - the bite sized sessions are designed to fit around the sales day job. Studies show that little and often creates a habit of continuous improvement. The Knowledge accreditations can require as little as an 1 hour per week.

  • What is the smallest group size that can be enrolled?

    We can enrol individuals or groups in cohorts. Cohorts are in groups of 10. For smaller groups or individuals we arrange mixed or open cohorts. That way sales people still benefit from peer to peer learning and group coaching sessions.

  • Will this really impact my career?

    Achieving a qualification and professional membership with the ISP, sets you apart as an ambitious professional who has chosen sales as a career (not just a job) and cares their standards of work. It is pivotal when being considered for a new role or promotion. Add to this the results of regularly improving your performance - it is a game changer.

  • I am a member of the ISP. Do I get any discount?

    If you are already a member we provide a discount on all learning programmes. Usually around £100 per programme.

  • Can I pay for my course in instalments?

    Yes we make arrangements for instalments when enrolling as an individual. Contact us for more details.

  • What is a knowledge accreditation?

    Simply put, it is the theory part of the sales diploma. You cover all the topics required according to the OFQUAL diploma. Then, through coursework, show that you have understood the theory and can reflect on how you could use it in your role. It is recognised by the professional body as a professional accreditation in its own right. It's about the 3rd of the work of a diploma and takes around 60 hours of learning over 6-10 months to complete.

  • What is a sales diploma and can the knowledge accreditation count towards it?

    In a full sales diploma, OFQUAL require you to cover all the theory in a full way + provide evidence of using all of that knowledge in your role by a qualified assessor. It takes at least 180 hours of study and evidencing and 12 - 18 months to complete. Since prior learning counts for about 1/3 of this, you can put your knowledge accreditation towards a diploma with us.

Investing In Sales Education With Us...

Ernst and Young
Royal Mail